When The Waiting Feels Long

Mary is a doctor in the NHS, specialising in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV  —

‘For we walk by faith, not by sight.’

Have you ever received a promise from God in an area of your life, and the reality of the situation goes in the completely opposite direction?

In Genesis 37, Joseph receives a promise from God in a dream. The next thirteen years look completely opposite to what God had promised. I wonder what Joseph’s mindset was throughout those years - how he dealt with betrayal of his brothers selling him into slavery and the false accusation of attempted rape that led to imprisonment. Joseph eventually receives his promise because God’s word never fails!

In the journey of waiting, a challenging aspect is dealing with the crushing disappointment of reality whilst waiting for God’s promises to be fulfilled. We can find ourselves losing hope, questioning if we heard God correctly. Today’s verse has been a lifeline for me on difficult days: it’s a reminder that the fact that reality looks nothing like the promise, is exactly why we need faith.

God’s Word is essential for faith. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17). We need to be anchored in God’s Word: it's our source of hope and the rock we should build our lives on (Matthew 7: 24-25). The scriptures reveal God’s unshakable character, his promises and power.

I listen to music - a lot!  In the last few years, I've been in the top two percent of music listeners on Spotify in the UK. I've discovered that listening to music filled with God’s Word is a powerful way to fuel my faith! Perhaps today you can set up a playlist, write out bible verses (ask the Holy Spirit for help) on post-it notes around the house, or set-up screen savers or memorise bible verses to increase your faith.

Prayer – Dear Father, would you please help me hold on to who you are through the storms of life. Holy Spirit, please bring God’s Word to life in my heart.


Praise Before The Breakthrough!

