Questions Are Important

Matthew 18 v 1 (ESV)

At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, ‘Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?’

Questions are so important: they reveal a great deal about what thoughts are in our minds and what is going on in our hearts. Pope Francis says this, ‘It is good that we ask questions about our faith, because in this way we are pushed to deepen it.’* I wonder if often we are dissuaded from bringing our childlike inquisitiveness before God; surely God never intended that we have all the answers? As humans we aren’t naturally confident and comfortable about what is in the realm of the unknown. However, I love the example of the disciples at this moment, coming bravely before Jesus, full of confidence and curiosity, eager for him to reveal to them great truths and knowledge. 

Throughout the scriptures, it’s clear that Jesus has a particular way of dealing with questions. In fact, he often responds with more questions than he does with answers. In total, he asks 307 questions in the Gospels. Incredibly, he only directly answers 3 of the 183 questions that he is asked! This is significant. God is wanting to challenge our mindset and way of thinking. He doesn’t want to simply hand us all the answers, rather it is for us to push deeper and pursue the knowledge. God wants us to reflect on our thoughts, to fully comprehend why we are asking the questions and to come into a deeper knowledge of the truth that he will reveal to us. 

Reflection — I wonder what questions you’re currently pondering that you could bring to Jesus as you start the week?

*Pope Francis ‘On Faith’ (2019).


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