Future Mind

Colossians 3:2 (NIV) 

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Recently, sadly, a friend of mine passed away. He was such an integral part of so many lives. Although there are many unanswered questions, frustrations, and disappointments at the way events unfolded, I can testify that he was the most future-minded person I knew. 

What do I mean by future-minded? He was someone who lived a life so in touch with the needs of this world and carried the love of Jesus, through his actions, into each room he walked through. On reflection I believe this is because he lived out his days with the reality of eternity at the forefront. This did not mean waiting in limbo but more about always thinking of the bigger picture. He lived life with a mind concerned with the things of heaven in order to see transformation in lives here on earth.

His life has inspired me to live heaven-minded. In choosing to do so there is a re-prioritisation of what and who is important. We begin to live lives where we welcome the interruption of the Spirit. Our focus shifts as we are challenged to live in line with heaven’s standards and values.

'Setting our minds on things above' means filling our minds with the things of Jesus. When, every single day, we consciously accept our need for Jesus as saviour and the reality that he’s seated, victorious, on the throne in heaven, our longing to become more like him will grow and grow. One day we will be with Jesus every day and setting our minds on 'things above' is an invitation to practice that here, now. 


Reflect What would it be like if we brought the hope of heaven into our every day here on earth?


Questions Are Important


Open Mind