Rebuild, Restore, Renew

Isaiah 61:4 (NIV) —

‘They will be called oaks of righteousness,

    a planting of the Lord

    for the display of his splendour.

They will rebuild the ancient ruins

    and restore the places long devastated;

they will renew the ruined cities

    that have been devastated for generations.’

When Jesus unfurled the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, he read out these words, revealing to those present that he was the Promised One who would bring freedom. It is Jesus who binds up our broken hearts, speaks hope to the poor, places a crown of beauty on mourners. And then?

After Jesus does these things, he turns us into rebuilders. We become the 'they' in this passage. Jesus makes us 'oaks of righteousness', existing, growing, thriving, to his glory. We then become rebuilders, restorers, and renewers.

This passage has been a prophetic picture for the congregation at Christ Church Summerfield. For almost two years they have held onto it, praying for God to rebuild, restore, and renew their community. Recently, this passage was given to me personally as a word for us as we plant into the church. That's such a great encouragement. Isn't God amazing?

It is Jesus who heals us, and then he shares his ministry of restoration with us. Where is God calling you to join in his kingdom work of rebuilding, restoring, or renewing, today?

Prayer — Lord God, Thank you for Jesus’ healing in my life. Thank you that you have made me into an 'Oak of Righteousness.' Help me by the power of your Spirit to rebuild, restore and renew what is broken in my community, to your glory.

Please pray for Christ Church Summerfield.


Everyday Praise

