Reflections On Death

John 11:25-26 —

'The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.'

On January 29 2023 my grandad died at the age of 89. He had known and served the Lord for many years but in his last years had suffered greatly with his health. Deeply frustrated by the failure and decay of his mind and body, he would often declare that he was ready to go to be with Jesus. He nearly got his way a couple of times last year and when he did finally pass, our grief was infused with hope and gratitude that he was at peace in the arms of his Saviour. Or as my granny put it: ‘the Lord has finally let him in.' 

I don’t think heaven has ever felt so real to me as it did in the immediate aftermath of his death. A man I’ve known and loved my whole life was there, right now, in the presence of Jesus, free of pain and struggle and awaiting the resurrection of his body. It’s moments like this that we must hold onto, when God brings a sharp clarity to the reality that we cannot see with our eyes but which we nonetheless inhabit. For me, this moment of clarity lead to a realignment of values and a renewed focus on the pursuit of the things that will not pass away but will echo in eternity. 

This set of devotionals this week are going to be a little different from those I normally write. I’m going to take your through some of my reflections in the aftermath of my grandad's death and invite you into my process of reflection, realignment and renewal.

Prayer: Help me to focus today on the things that matter. 


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