To Live Is Christ, To Die Is Gain

Phil 1:21(NIVUK) —

‘For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.’

This week I’m sharing some reflections that I’ve had in the aftermath of my grandad’s passing in January.

I’ve always found this passage from Paul fascinating. He’s in prison, facing the prospect of his execution and he’s reflecting on the two divergent paths set before him: to live or to die. It reads like he’s pondering a decision: which should he choose? To die…well that would be amazing! To see Jesus face to face, to bask in the glory of the risen Saviour, to be met with his embrace and those immortal words ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’, to live without pain, without struggle, free from the chains that bound him. As Paul thought about death, all he could see was gain. Surely that was where he was headed now - eternal paradise.

But then he thinks about what life means, not for him, but for the church in Philippi that he’s writing to. He still has so much to teach them, so much love and friendship to extend towards them. It would be far better for them if Jesus waited a bit longer to take Paul home. Plus, he could squeeze out a few more years of fruitful labour. Convinced of this, he becomes certain that this is not his hour to depart this life.

Have you ever wondered why you’re still here? Why, when we could be enjoying life without pain, struggle and sin in the presence of Jesus? Why has he left us here? Well, here Paul gives us the answer: we’re here for the sake of others, to build them up, to tell them the good news about Jesus, to clock up the hours of fruitful labour in the kingdom of God. My grandad lived like that. The man led more people to Jesus than I’ve had hot dinners. He was acutely aware of why he was still here.

I want to live like that. So that when the Lord finally does take me home, I know I’ve left everything in the ring, no regrets.

We know why we’re here. Let’s live like it.

Prayer- Help me to live today with a sense of purpose, faithfully doing the good works that you have laid out for me.


Faithful Petitioning


Reflections On Death