Returning To Simplicity

Psalm 40:1-3 (NIV) —

‘I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him.’

Often when deciding what to focus on in my devotional times, I’ll ask God what he thinks I need to hear. What is my soul longing for? What have I been neglecting? Do I need joy? Hope? Truth? Encouragement? Perhaps I need challenging? By inviting God into the conversation, I trust that he knows me completely, he knows what I lack and therefore he knows what I need to fill up on before I head into my day.

For this season, I sensed God say we’re in need of simplicity. In a world that is loud, confusing, and very stressful, Jesus wants to meet our souls' longing for quiet, calm and peace. Simplicity. And so this week I want us to focus on one small passage at the beginning of Psalm 40. We will take time meditating on it, asking God to speak gently through every line.

For me, this passage represents a returning to simplicity. They are the words that were spoken over me as I came out of the water on my baptism day, and as I read these precious words it beautifully reminds me of the simple gospel of Jesus Christ - that I find life, and life in all its fullness in him. 

Let's begin by reading it, slowly and out loud if you can.

Now I want to encourage you to take 5 minutes of quiet, just you and Jesus, and remind yourself of the simplicity of life with him. Ask him to draw to mind those moments where you discovered a greater depth of his love for you. Maybe scripture comes to mind or a song of worship. Allow yourself to dwell in that space. Anchor yourself on him, our firm foundation, and ask him to be at the centre of everything you do today.

PRAYER – Jesus, I take this moment of quiet in the business of my world to fix my eyes on you. Remind me of the simplicity of your gospel and help me to rest in it today.


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