Some Sheep Are Still To Arrive

John 10:14-16 (NLT)—

‘I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me, just as my Father knows me and I know the Father. So I sacrifice my life for the sheep. I have other sheep, too, that are not in this sheepfold. I must bring them also. They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock with one shepherd.’

Meeting someone new often involves two questions. 'What’s your name? What do you do?' Names with meaning are beautiful. Mine means Honours God. Here we see a bit of Jesus’ self-identification. ‘Good shepherd’ is more than just a job description and name: it is an insight into Jesus’ heart towards us. The shepherd’s flock was his prized possession. As a shepherd Jesus would rather sacrifice himself than let the wolves steal us away. We are his prized possession.

Recently reading this passage, the second half stood out to me. I noticed something I hadn't seen before - the missional heart of Jesus. He says he has sheep elsewhere that aren’t in this fold. I haven’t been able to shake this verse for the last few months. Now on Sundays at church and Tuesdays at student gathering, I look around the room and I’m so grateful for the ‘sheep’ Jesus has called together. But my heart feels deeply perturbed; Jesus has other sheep that aren’t here! There are sheep missing from this fold. 

Jesus has sheep all across the city of Birmingham. And way beyond: across the Middle East, Asia and Europe..... everywhere. He is calling to them still today. One of our guys from Iran told me he became a christian after having a dream where a man in white appeared to him and said, ‘If you want to come to the Father you have to go through me.’ Jesus is calling his sheep and they are hearing his voice. Can you sense Jesus asking you to partner with him in bringing people into the fold?

There are people in your workplace, families, on your street that Jesus is calling to. Ask Jesus to open their ears to hear his voice. Pray he breaks your heart for those in this world that need a good shepherd.

Prayer -  Jesus I thank you that you have followers and future followers all over the globe. Show me where you are sending me and give me opportunities to share your love today.


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