What’s a Sharon Fruit?

Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 

I don’t know anything about sharon fruit, and if you asked me if I wanted to grow one, I wouldn’t be that fussed. I don’t want to grow something I know nothing about … we need to know the fruit, in order to want to grow them.

There are lots of ways we can explain each aspect of the Spirit's 'fruit', but here are my thoughts and reflections as we continue the week:

Love - We can live our lives in the knowledge that we’re loved with the best love there is. 

How can we show others that God loves them like that too?

Joy - We live knowing that ultimately everything will be OK, regardless of what’s going on, because of Jesus. 

How can we bring that same lightness to others?

Peace - Again, we can trust that things will be OK. 

How can we live more peacefully today?

Patience - We know that God is in control and his timing is perfect, so we don’t need to rush. 

How can we live more restfully today?

Kindness - God has been so kind to us. 

What’s one thing we can do to show kindness to others today?

Goodness - God is good, regardless of circumstances. 

How can we make good choices regardless of our circumstances?

Faithfulness - Because we know God is faithful to us, we can keep going. 

Where do we need to show faithfulness today?

Gentleness - Gentle is one of just two adjectives Jesus uses to describe himself. 

How can we live so people describe us as gentle?

Self-control - We can make choices that are obedient and wise, as they impact us, others and God. 

What’s one area where you need to show self-control?

Take a moment to journal through these questions as you head into the day.


Offspring, Sheep, Fish, Series and Fruit


Going Viral