So Wrong And Yet So Right

Luke 7:38 (NLT)

‘Then she knelt behind him at his feet, weeping. Her tears fell on his feet, and she wiped them off with her hair. Then she kept kissing his feet and putting perfume on them.’ 

I hate being wrong. If you know me, you’ll know this already but I refuse to be wrong about anything. Even when it comes to teeny tiny things that don’t really matter - I can’t be wrong. I also, don’t like doing the wrong thing. In primary school I was a) a teacher’s pet and b) that kid who would cry if they got told off, because I was so desperate to do the right thing and not get into trouble.

The woman in our passage does everything wrong. In her past she’s done the wrong thing, and now in this encounter with Jesus, she does the wrong thing. She shouldn’t have been there, she shouldn’t have kissed his feet and she shouldn’t have let down her hair.

And yet she was so right. 

She’d caught a glimpse of who Jesus was, and she knew that he was worth the embarrassment and the humiliation of doing the ‘wrong’ thing. The world was screaming at her ‘you’re wrong!’ And yet in that moment, she’s caught up in the presence of Jesus, in his love and forgiveness, his grace and kindness.

In that moment, sitting at his feet, the truth that he has the power to forgive sins, to turn lives around and to redeem any situation, is so much louder than what the world says is the right or wrong. In the presence of the One who sees all and yet still loves her, the truth that she is loved and seen and known and forgiven and free, is so much louder than what the world has to say.

Today, as you sit with Jesus, don’t worry about what the right or the wrong thing to do is. Block out the world and simply listen to the truth he is speaking over you.

Prayer Jesus, thank you for the beautiful example this woman sets for us of what it looks like to sit in your presence. Help me to be like her today, to bring all of myself and to not care about what the world thinks. Let the truth you speak over me as I sit in your presence be louder than any other voice.


‘He Said To Himself’

