
Luke 7:37 (NLT)

‘One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to have dinner with him, so Jesus went to his home and sat down to eat. When a certain immoral woman from that city heard he was eating there, she brought a beautiful alabaster jar filled with expensive perfume.’

Fun fact: my parents call me Tiny. Yes, it’s embarrassing and no, I don’t really know why they call me it. However, what I will say is I would much prefer to be called Tiny, than I would ‘a certain immoral woman’, which is how the main character in our passage for this week is described. Over the next few days, we’re going to draw out five things from the passage in Luke 7:36-50 which tells of an encounter between this ‘certain immoral woman’, Simon the Pharisee and Jesus. 

She was probably a prostitute, looked down upon, rejected and an outcast. She would have been subject to criticism, unkind comments and dirty looks, battered by society, wounded by the world, rejected. How did she view herself? A failure? Broken? Unworthy of love? She’s taken the bold step to come to the house, knowing full well Simon isn’t going to like this. But she also knows someone else will be there. We can assume she’s heard of Jesus and that she’s heard the words he speaks, of love and grace, of forgiveness. She’s seen the crowds of people like her flocking to him and heard the stories.

In Jesus she captures a glimpse of hope beyond her situation: she hears a whisper of love that shouts louder than the lies of the world. Here is a man who knows her name, knows everything she’s done, and yet loves her. To Jesus she isn’t ‘a certain immoral woman’, she’s a beloved daughter and a child of God.

Maybe today you feel a bit like the woman. Maybe you’re feeling broken, left out, rejected, unworthy. I’d encourage you to follow her lead and simply be in the presence of Jesus. Sit with him and catch a glimpse of his loving heart for you. Listen to the truth he declares over you.

PrayerJesus, help me to simply sit and be with you today. Remind me who you are and all you’ve done. Help me to hear your truth loud and clear. 


So Wrong And Yet So Right
