
— Tufan (Farsi Community)

Isaiah 40: 30-31 (NIV)

‘Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord  will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.’

حتی جوانان هم درمانده و خسته می شوند و دلاوران از پای در می آیند، اما آنانی که به خداوند امید بسته اند نیروی تازه می یابند و مانند عقاب پرواز می کنند، می دوند و خسته نمی شوند، راه می روند و ناتوان نمی شوند.

I have had many ups and downs during my nine-year journey of faith with Jesus Christ. During this journey, I have passed through many storms and experienced the deep valleys of life. I have seen big mountains of problems in front of me. During this journey, experience has shown me that if I walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, I will reach my destination. I learned that problems are temporary, but Jesus Christ is eternal. I learned that if my heart is with God, he is able to heal everything that I am suffering from today. I have learned during this journey that God can smooth the roads of my life and show me the way in the deserts.

Whenever problems bring me to my knees, Jesus will help me stand up again. We should not forget that trusting God is not always easy; sometimes it is very painful. But I have learned that it is worth it to suffer in the will of God, just as Christ endured pain on the cross. God sees our pains and provides new opportunities for us at that time because our God is the God of new opportunities. He will never give up on anyone who believes in him.

My message today: I believe that everything I have is from God's mercy and everything I don't have, is God's wisdom and will.

Prayer- Heavenly Father, we thank you because you are an eternal God and you never get tired. You are the God who gives strength to the tired and gives power to the weak. Lord, look at our lives. God, we ask you to give us strength so that we can only look to the cross and your grace in our problems. With praise and thanksgiving in the name of Jesus Christ


Refuge In Hope


Hope In Him