Refuge In Hope

— Zohra (Farsi Community)

Romans 4: 18-19 (NLT)

‘Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping—believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, ‘That’s how many descendants you will have!’ And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb.’

بنابراين‌، زمانی كه‌ خدا به‌ ابراهيم‌ فرمود كه‌ به‌ او پسری خواهد بخشيد و از نسل‌ او اقوام‌ بسياری بوجود خواهند آمد، ابراهيم‌ به‌ وعده‌ء خدا ايمان‌ آورد، اگر چه‌ چنين‌ امری عملاً محال‌ بود.

زيرا در آن‌ زمان‌ ابراهيم‌ صد سال‌ داشت‌ و همسرش‌ سارا نود سال‌، و هيچيک قادر نبودند صاحب‌ فرزند شوند. باوجود اين‌، چون‌ ايمان‌ ابراهيم‌ قوی بود، به‌ وعده‌ء خدا شک نكرد.

Abraham believed God’s promise. Although he knew his physical condition and that of his wife, he remembered the great works of God. Because he believed, he trusted. He waited. He had hope. 

The most important part of our faith is when we trust God and patiently wait for his action in our lives.  We are on a spiritual journey, continually learning to trust in God and hope in him. He calls us to stand firm in faith and believe his Word. The only thing that stops God’s work in our lives is unbelief and giving up. In disappointments let’s take refuge in him. Like an anchor he will hold us steady in the storms. Let’s act from the depths of our spirit and soul and not let our emotions control our decisions. Rather, let the Spirit of God be our guide in our disappointments, wishes and desires. Walk with faith to see God’s power in our lives.

God wants our life to be wonderful and full of blessings. Don’t let Satan drown us in despair. If we become disappointed and lose hope, we cannot believe that our God is God Almighty. He is the God of the impossible. He is faithful and true.

I prayed for my eldest daughter for five years before I saw the answer. I prayed with hope because I trusted God’s plans and his timing. I know that he does the best at the perfect time. God has answered my prayers in the best way.

Glory to the mighty God. Our Saviour.

Prayer - Heavenly Father, you are our Saviour, our only hope in the storms of life. I bring to you all my hopes, desires, and wishes and leave them in your hands because you are Almighty. Thank you for your love and wisdom. Glory be to your name.


Declaring Hope

