Surplus Or Shortage State Of Mind

Psalm 23:5b (AMP) —

‘You have anointed and refreshed my head with oil; my cup overflows.’

Why do we allow ourselves to get overburdened? The fear of losing out often spurs us to try harder. Yet the fact is that when you rest in God's love and supply, you are not losing out on anything. 

Is your life overflowing? Most people have their lives overflowing, not necessarily with goodness! For instance, many folks have overbooked their diaries, overdrawn their credit and debit cards, overburdened their feelings, are overworking physically, overloaded their days and placed too much value on the acceptance of others. As a result, they become overstressed, worried, and overwhelmed—and they are sick of it! At the end they are distant from experiencing God's goodness.

God desires to lead us from overburdened to overflowing with grace. He wants to satisfy all our requirements—and he definitely can! The Psalmist in Psalms 23:5 says 'My cup overflows' which means God sustains his giving - he never stops! But for our lives to overflow with God’s fullness, we must recognise two fundamentally different views of life, either of which block us from God's fullness. We may choose to approach life with either a shortage or a surplus state of mind.

A shortage state of mind concentrates on our own scarce resources, resulting in an overburdened life; a surplus state of mind concentrates on God's infinite resources, resulting in an overflowing life.

You do not have to be concerned about running out of resources since God is the source of your life. He has control of the toggle switch which means, for example, you may lose one opportunity but he offers you something better. He knows the better path for you that will lead to fulfilment. If you allow God, he will fill you beyond capacity with an endless supply of his goodness, joy, blessing, hope, and peace.

Prayer — Lord, I am open to receive all you have for me. Lead me along your good path. May my fulfilment be in you and may I overflow in blessing to others.


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God And The Valley Of Darkness