The Betrayal

John 13:21-22 (NIV) —

‘After he had said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified, ‘Very truly I tell you, one of you is going to betray me.’ His disciples stared at one another, at a loss to know which one of them he meant.’ 

The last supper table was a table of fellowship, yes, but it was also a table of betrayal.

It’s a consequence of humanity's fallen nature that we will be the cause of, and the subject of, betrayal. We will be the victim of betrayal, to lesser or greater extent, from our family, friends, colleagues, society. And, the truth is, we will betray others, intentionally or unintentionally, including betraying Jesus.

Jesus knew the severity of the betrayal he was about to receive from humanity, but also from one his closest friends. Yet, in the face of this betrayal, he still embraced Judas. This is grace in its fullest form.

We will betray Jesus, sometimes in small everyday mistakes, sometimes in bigger ways. But Jesus extends his grace to you, he forgives you. He chooses you before, during and after your betrayal of him – more than this, he chooses to give his life for you. He remains faithful to you, even when you might not always be faithful to him.

Where do you need to seek forgiveness today? Remembering that brokenness and betrayal will inevitably come from us, but should not define us, where do you need to seek restoration and reconciliation?

Perhaps there’s a friend or family member that is owed an apology and an ask for forgiveness? Or perhaps there’s an area in your life that you need to bring to Jesus and say, I’m sorry, please forgive me.

Important Note: You might not receive the gift of forgiveness from a person you have hurt or upset but remember today that – on the other side of ‘I’m sorry, Lord’ – Jesus always extends his grace and forgiveness to you.

PRAYER — Jesus, I’m sorry for the ways that I have got things wrong. I’m sorry for the ways I have hurt you and others (be specific with Jesus here if you can). Please forgive me, thank you for your grace. Help me to live free from condemnation.


The Glory


The Surrender