The Surrender

John 12:25-28 (NIV) —

‘Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My father will honour the one who serves me. Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour?’ No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!’

Jesus knew all about sacrifice and surrender. He lived a life of rejection and pain but still, knowing it would ultimately cost him everything, submitted and surrendered to God's will at every turn.

Of course, if surrender were easy, it wouldn’t be called surrender. It’s easy to give up things we aren’t that bothered about. But when we value things, when we have a strong emotional connection to them or place our security in them – that’s when surrender has meaning. Those are the hard things to let go of - it's painful, it costs us.

So why was Jesus so good at surrender? Because he knew the truth: that God only ever calls us to surrender something when the benefit of surrendering it is greater than the benefit of holding on to it. It is often an act of surrender that sets us free. Jesus knew giving his life would be costly – but he also knew that the freedom it would buy would be far greater.

If God is asking you to surrender something, it doesn’t mean it won’t be costly or painful - or both. But (a big 'but') you can be sure that the freedom and blessing that you will receive when you do, will be worth it.

Where in your life do you need to surrender to God's will? Are you believing for his provision or guidance, but need to surrender to his plan so that you can receive it? Do you sense a call on your life that might be costly to follow? Are you putting your trust and security in things God is asking you to lay down?

As you reflect on the magnitude of the surrender and sacrifice that Jesus paid for your freedom, what does it look like for you to take a step of faith into surrender?

PRAYER —Thank you Jesus for the price you paid for me. Give me the courage and the strength to surrender the things you are asking me to.


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