The Blessing Of Encouragement

(Member of GS Youth)

Proverbs 13:12 (MSG)

Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around.

Life may seem too big and important for a small comment to make a difference, but as the verse says… 'a sudden good break can turn life around.'

Sometimes I think to myself, 'Wow! They have awesome shoes', or 'I love their hairstyle today,' but I don't share it as it seems so trivial in the vast world we live in, but little do I know, a small encouraging comment could make their day or even change the way they see themselves.

My top tips on how to encourage:

1- Share even the slightest encouragement! Even if it seems minor to you, it could mean the world to the other person.

2- Try praying to ask God for a word of encouragement to share with someone, as God can tell you precisely what they need to hear.

3- Think of different ways of encouraging, whether it's showing up for a friend's event, baking someone a cake or helping with a job/task. These things can be super-encouraging and helpful to those who feel alone or underappreciated. (And don't forget to pray for them!)

Today's task - Try to encourage somebody as Paul did in Acts 20:1-2 'He gave constant encouragement, lifting their spirits and charging them with fresh hope.'

Prayer Lord, please encourage every person reading this today and help them to know how to encourage friends and family.


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