The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Psalm 40:3 (NIV)—

‘He put a new song in my mouth,
    a hymn of praise to our God.’

Yesterday we reflected how beautiful it is that Jesus takes us out of our pits and gives us safety and security with him. You would think that the story would end there; surely God is satisfied with his successful rescue mission?

But no! God doesn’t stop there. His generosity and kindness know no bounds. Once placed on the rock, David is gifted a new song to sing. What a stunning picture of the abundance of a life lived in Christ!

When I was about 12, I realised I could sing. I think I had performed in a school musical and suddenly became aware that maybe I wasn’t half bad. ‘Brilliant!’ I thought. ‘I’m going to be a pop star’. I begged my parents to buy me a guitar and started singing outside Boots every weekend. I had fun, sure! But it never quite fulfilled me in the way I thought it would.

A few years later I was invited to lead worship at my youth group. It was in that dingy church hall that I realised why Jesus had gifted me singing, and no, it wasn’t to become the next Taylor Swift. He had given me this precious, creative gift so that I could use it to do what I’m designed to do. What we’re all designed to do. Worship him. We are never more ourselves than when we worship God. It fuels and sustains us. Worship truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

What creative gifts do you feel God has given you? Maybe you paint? Write? Dance? Garden? Cook? Design? So many more! Whichever it is, I want to challenge you to use it to worship him. Take some time out of your week to glorify God using the tools and gifts he has so generously given you.

PRAYER – Abundant God, thank you that you give good gifts. That you share your creativity and beauty with us. Please help me to use these gifts to glorify you, always.


Salvation Is Catching


Remember The Pit To Realise The Grace