The Ideal Plant

Psalm 1:3 (NIV)

‘He is like a tree
    planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
    and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.’

I have come to the conclusion that I am not a plant person. They look pretty and all, but having seen many of my ‘plant-parent’ friends despair over their plants not growing despite ensuring that they are well fed and watered, horticulture just doesn’t appeal to me! I am sure plant-parent or not, we can all agree that the verses in Psalm 1 speak of the ideal plant, one where that has a constant water supply, one whose leaves do not wither and one that prospers. I would probably be more inclined to get that plant.

Last term, my Gas Street Group studied ‘Rooted’ by Banning Liebscher. The book looks at the life of David and specific areas in which God can develop us. Before Banning explains those areas, he comments: ‘The cycle starts with a seed being planted in the ground. When watered, the seed will break open and begin to put down roots, the root system will continue to grow as the seed forms a shoot and eventually breaks through the surface of the soil into air and sunlight.’

The Psalmist in this chapter is likening a righteous man (which is us) to the ideal tree. God wants us to be planted by the waters which is his Word and to build strong foundations in him so that we can grow and flourish and prosper. He has given us the Holy Spirit to be our helper. Dig deep roots.

Prayer Father, help us to stay rooted in you. Help us to build deep foundations with the help of the Holy Spirit.


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