The Living Word

Isaiah 55:11(NIVUK)

My word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it

This is a powerful piece of scripture which is fully embodied by the person of Jesus; who did not return to the Father until his purposes on earth had been fulfilled. 

The word of God is timeless. It is always accurate and is as active now as it was when Jesus was in the flesh and before the world even began. Think on that - it was his words that formed creation from his depths of who he is.

It can be hard some days to engage with the word of God. Some days I can find myself easily distracted or tired. Isn’t it powerfully reassuring to know from this verse that his word will always achieve his purposes in us? ‘It will not return to him empty’. As I open my Bible and not only read it but let it read me, in what feels like discipline some days and other days, pure delight, his word will not return to him empty handed. It is moulding me, leading me, lifting my head again and again and will accomplish what he desires in me and for me whether I feel it or not. 

Trust the word of God inside you. Trust the eternal nature of who he is at work in your life. Always moving, never changing but changing you!

Prayer — Today, Lord, let your word achieve its purposes in me. I receive your correction, your deep affection, your inspiration. Let it read me. I submit to your word, the living Word, Jesus.


Lacking Nothing

