The Man In The Mirror

This week our devotionals are written by members of Gas Street Youth.

(Youth Group Leader)

Proverbs 20:5
The purpose in a man's heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.

Have you ever met someone who lacks self-awareness? Me too. Have you ever found yourself frustrated at said person? Of course you have! 

Anyone who has spent more than a few seconds with me recently knows I have become rather fixated with the enneagram (the same people are now collectively sighing). Admittedly, I have probably become too obsessed, but regardless, it’s been such a helpful tool to understand my strengths, motivations, and blind spots. The enneagram might not be for you - you might prefer Myers-Brigg, StrengthsFinders, or maybe even a Buzzfeed quiz about which Disney princess you are.  Whatever floats your boat! 

I love this short verse in Proverbs. It sums it all up: when we begin to understand the motives of our heart through a deep relationship with the living God, we can 'draw out', discover our true purpose and begin to know God’s calling on our life. 

The truth is, when we develop self-awareness, we become better at using our gifts and having grace for our blind spots. Knowing what God has placed within us, and perhaps where our fallen nature is limiting us, allows us to truly grow in our discipleship with Jesus. Through various means (prayer, Scripture, teaching, fellowship) we allow God to reveal the state of our heart; showing where we are at and where he wants us to go. I mean, you can’t find your way home if you don’t even know you’re lost! 

Prayer God, please show me the deep desires of my heart; reveal my blind spots and show me where I can better use my strengths in your kingdom. Help me to grow in self-awareness today so that I may become more aware of you - and worship you for who you are.


Opportunities In The Unexpected


Position Yourself To Hear