The Posture

Luke 24:49

'Remain in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.'

It’s Reset! Twice a year we take a week to 'press into prayer' as a church. Prayer is simply spending time with God so, however that looks for you, join us - it may be setting reminders to pray throughout the day, carving out time for extended prayer or joining on Instagram at 7:30 every morning. 

We believe that God is wanting to pour out his Spirit on us and so our focus verse for this week is Luke 24:29 and is an instruction from Jesus to his people who were waiting for that same Spirit to be poured out on them. Throughout the week we will look at the various parts of this instruction and consider what it means for us here and now, and how it might influence the way we pray.

For today, imagine with me for a moment the kind of person you think God would pour his Spirit on? Now let me ask you… what 'posture' do they assume? 

Do you, like me, imagine them scaling summits on prayer hikes, tearing their clothes in passionate petition, and beating the ground in intense intercession? If so, then the mere thought of ‘pressing into prayer’ can be anxiety inducing. But let’s look to the instruction of Jesus. He begins by telling us to assume a posture nothing like the one I've just described. 

“Remain” - the Greek (Kathios) is most often translated ‘sit down’. Did you catch that? The posture he wants us to assume is one of sitting - of stopping and stilling mind, body and spirit in the presence of God. 

There is, of course, a place for passionate petition and intense intercession, but when it comes to receiving the Holy Spirit, this striving is not what Jesus instructs. The indwelling of the Spirit of God is not something you earn or deserve through effort, but something that is given, and ‘remaining’ is the posture of someone ready to receive this gift. 

As we assume this posture and allow our focus to shift from us onto our Father in heaven, he promises to meet us.

Response — Take a seat. Ask God to increase your awareness of his presence, and to pour out his Spirit on you.


The Place


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