The Place

Luke 24:49

'Remain in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.'

Hawaii. Barbados. Miami. These are a few of the places I wouldn’t mind going on a mission (especially if it included sipping iced tea on a beach!) - let's call them 'the desired place.'

Bethlehem. The Mount of Olives. The sea of Galilee. Golgotha. These are some of the places I imagine to be somehow holier than others, and sometimes I (wrongfully) think that Jesus loves those who embark on pilgrimages to such places more than those who don't - let's call them 'the dutiful place.

Some places I desire to be and others I feel a duty to be. (Sometimes a cafe or pub is the desired place and church is the dutiful one!) What all these places have in common is that they aren’t where I am right now (I’m probably sitting in my chair in Moseley if you were wondering).

If you are anything like me then you may also think that sometimes God wants you to be somewhere else, doing something else and, because you aren’t, you somehow miss out on all that he has. Note however, in the instruction of Jesus, a place is mentioned. 

In the City

For the original audience the city referred to was Jerusalem, but more importantly, it was the place they already were.

The place that Jesus promised the Spirit would be poured out on them was where they were in that moment. NEWSFLASH, God wants to meet you where you are right now. Whether it’s your bedroom, the kitchen, on your commute, your workplace or school, the ground you are on becomes holy ground if you choose to speak with God there. 

Response — Take a moment to turn your attention heavenward. Ask God to make you aware of his presence, to fill you afresh right where you are. You may also want to pray for the place you find yourself or join us as a church in praying for Birmingham.


The Prior Warning


The Posture