The Prior Warning

Luke 24:49

'Remain in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.'

'Your delivery will be with you between 13:00 and 15:00'. Last time I checked 15:12 (the actual time the delivery arrived) was not between 13:00 and 15:00. I was seething and ready to give the driver a piece of my mind. Then I remembered I’m British and so Instead I smiled and said 'thankyou' copious times. While they may not have been able to tell, I hate having to wait - even 12 minutes!

Jesus' instruction contains, buried within, a prior warning, in the form of a little word ‘until’. Interpretation - you may have to wait. 

The outpouring of the Spirit was promised, God was willing and able, he had given his disciples a posture to assume and a place to assume it: what would be required of them now was perseverance. 

If you’ve been joining us in asking the Lord to pour his Spirit out on you over the last few days and don’t yet feel as though anything has happened, I encourage you as Jesus encouraged his disciples - keep going until you do. Perseverance in prayer isn’t easy but it is essential.

Delay can be disappointing and can leave us wanting to throw in the towel. The good news is our God is big enough to handle your disappointment. In fact he may want to meet you in the middle of it. He may have some healing words to speak to your disappointed heart. I’ve found its often only after meeting God in my disappointment that I find the strength to persevere in prayer.

Response — Bring to God any area where you are feeling disappointed. Ask God to meet you in it and to strengthen you. Now bring before him where you are still waiting for breakthrough and pray again in faith for him to move.


The Provision


The Place