The Word

Psalm 119:105 (ESV) —

‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.’

I love this verse. What other reason do I need to go deep into the Word of God than this? According to this verse, if the Word is what lights the way and shows us where to go, without the Word, there is no light. I think about how, in the day when the Psalm was written, without a lamp at night it would have been pitch black; so, without the Word we are wandering around in spiritual darkness, tripping up and going nowhere. BUT, with the Word, we can see where to go… what a good God we serve that he shows us through his Word the way to go. What a great reason to dig into what God has for us in the pages of the Bible!

Not only is the Word a light to us, it’s also our weapon of attack. I think of Ephesians 6, where he talks about the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God - the only attacking weapon in the armour of God! I would encourage you, every day, to use the Word of God not only to defend yourself against the schemes of the enemy but to take ground for the Kingdom of God, speaking out scriptures to fight against the principalities and powers in the invisible realm.

I have been challenged lately about remembering the words to so many songs that, to be honest, are pretty rubbish and the lyrics are meaningless. If I can remember the lyrics to these songs, why can’t I remember significant amounts of verses in the Bible? My challenge to you today is to pick a verse to memorise.

Prayer – Thank you Lord that your Word is a light to our path. Lead me and speak to me through your Word today. Help me to memorise Scripture so I have spiritual weapons at hand.



