These Boots Weren’t Made For Walking

Micky works for Gas Street and Love Your Neighbour as the refugee hub manager. 

Job 16:19-21 (NLT) —

‘Even now my witness is in heaven. My advocate is there on high. My friends scorn me, but I pour out my tears to God. I need someone to mediate between God and me, as a person mediates between friends.’

As a kid I loved watching The Sound of Music - I still do. A quote that has stayed with me from this film is: ‘these walls were not meant to shut out problems. You have to face them.’ This is counter-cultural. The fast, fun and easy feels good in the moment but it’s fleeting. It is ok to sit in the discomfort struggle can bring. 

While I was at University, I went through a difficult time with my mental health; I was in a dark place. One of my closest friends travelled over two hours to sit with me. Entering my room, she put a jar of Nutella down with a spoon and sat with me. It wasn’t comfortable or pretty, but it made a huge difference that someone chose to sit with me. We tend to shy away from discomfort, but it is something we all experience and it can be very lonely. 

Is there someone in your life who needs you to sit with them and be unafraid of the silence or discomfort? Perhaps you need this yourself. 

 Prayer - Father, help me to be ok sitting in the discomfort either with someone or myself. Help me to reach out to someone today either for help or to help.   


Lean On Me


Abide With Me