Thin Place

John 10:27 (NIV)—

‘My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.’

In today's passage, we are reminded of the simple truth that Jesus knows us! He knows everything that we're carrying, everything that we're facing. At a time when so many voices are fighting for our attention, demanding our affection, there's nothing more sacred than to hear the voice of our father God, speaking to us and reaching the deepest parts of who we are. 

As with every other connection in our lives, it takes practice to focus our hearts and minds, realigning them to his heart and to his thoughts. 

Today, I want to encourage you to remember the places where you heard God speaking, the times you felt closest to him. Recognise the moments he chose to reveal himself to you and then visit them again in your memory. 

It's going to look different for all of us: there's no single way to hear him speak. I love that he knows the exact way we were created; he takes pleasure in the different ways he designed us to hear him. Don’t get caught up in worrying whether you’re listening in the right way.

Recently, I took a trip to the Slovakian mountains, spending a few days on my own to listen intentionally for God's direction for my life. That might sound a delightful dream for some and a nightmare for others! 

The truth is, when you choose to listen to God, it doesn't matter whether it's in a quiet place or in the joy of friendship, surrounded by others. It only matters that your heart burns with connection to him. That's how you were meant to hear him. That's your thin place, your secret place. 

Prayer —Jesus, would you speak clearly to me, like the words of a dear friend. Remind me of the places and times that I could feel your nearness and help me create space to hear your voice again. 




God Is Near