Turn It Up

Psalm 98 v1 and 4 –

Sing to the lord a new song for he has done marvellous things…shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music!

I don’t know if you’ve ever mimed in church? Basically ‘FAKED singing’! As a teenager it was my regular practice. I hated singing in church and yet felt the social pressure to conform and so would mime the words. I looked like I was engaged and part of the worshipping community when actually I withheld my presence. I was in this, but not of this! This singing together thing was not for me.

 That all changed when I encountered the Holy Spirit. I was filled with the life of the Spirit and I now couldn’t stop singing! The Spirit had brought me freedom (2 Cor 3.17). In fact, my whole life since that point has been about leading people closer to Jesus in worship! It’s no wonder that one of the leading theologians on the Spirit, Gordon Fee, describes song as becoming for the early church “the speciality of the Spirit”! [1]  

Singing not only expresses freedom but also enables freedom. Singing is an expansive move physically – it puts more air into the room (which is why it’s been so strictly clamped down on in Covid times!). But it is also a spiritually expansive move. It is a gift enabling us to declare the praises of God, and in doing so, we receive a fresh infilling of the life of God by His Spirit.

This is why the Psalmist puts so much emphasis on singing – in fact over 40 times he tells us to sing. It is a mighty powerful weapon.

Reflect – How can you use worship music to lift your heart and your mind to Christ today: in the car, in the kitchen, on your daily walk? Place yourself in the space of singing and see what difference it can make.

Pray – Father God, thank you for the gift of music and song. Open my lips that I would praise you more this day. When I don’t feel like singing, take me by surprise by your Spirit and fill me with God-song. Amen.

[1] P.156, Gordon Fee, Paul, The Spirit and the People of God.


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Dr Peppa