Dr Peppa

Psalm 42:1-2 –

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for the God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?

I don’t know if you’ve ever been really thirsty and you can’t wait to be refreshed and gulp down a massive big drink? I used to LOVE washing down a massive glass of Ribena - nowadays its Dr Peppa for me. This is how the psalmist talks of our longing for more of God:

I remember once doing a walk in the mountains and not taking enough water with me. I can’t tell you how relieved I was after a while of wandering to find a stream of fresh mountain water to drink from and refill my bottle! We easily can get numb to how much we need God’s living water (the Holy Spirit) in our lives. It often takes someone else to point out to us that we’ve become maybe ‘dry’ – just going through the motions of relationship with God rather than enjoying a living, alive, dynamic shared life with God. Sometimes, in my life, it’s when I hear someone else pray, or see someone else worship, or notice someone else act in a way that beautifully reflects God’s character, that it hits me how I need more of God.

Do you need more of God today?

Reflect – What areas of my life feel ‘dry’? Where do I need to invite God specifically to water with his life-giving Spirit?

Pray – Heavenly Father, please pour out your Holy Spirit afresh on my life. I ask specifically that you would water this area of my life …….(fill in the blank!). I acknowledge that I need your Kingdom fruit to grow in that area. Please refresh and renew my life. Amen.


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