What To Do When Faith Feels Tough – Wait Well

Psalm 37:7 –

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him”

I’m the sort of person that wants everything to be perfect all the time. If there’s a problem I want to fix it straight away (e.g. my broken-down car!). Therefore I don’t cope very well with challenging circumstances that are not within my control, where I’m ‘powerless’ to change things. Trusting God can be a challenge when he’s not acting as quickly as we think he should.

This is where the Bible encourages us to wait well. Rather than being caught up in all the activities or feelings of the moment, we are called to find space to be still before God. We may feel filling our times with God with the loudest worship anthems or hours of intercession will get us out of the emotional ditch we’re in (not to say those things are wrong if that’s how we want to engage with God then).However, more often than not, when we’re finding faith tough, the motivation to even open the Bible seems beyond our capability. 

In these times, God’s gift to us is that we don’t have to force anything. He’s our friend, and in the same way you can sit in a good friend’s company without saying anything, we can be like that with God. Just sitting with him, quiet and still, allowing the Holy Spirit to fill us and provide perspective for the situations we face. God will always pull us through (see tomorrow’s devotional!) and we can receive his deep peace by waiting patiently for him.

Prayer – Father, in a moment of quiet I come before you now, without agenda or a plan, and ask you to speak…


What To Do When Faith Feels Tough – Trust In Hope


What To Do When Faith Feels Tough – Lean On Your Community