We’ll Meet Again

Matt 9:37(NIVUK) —

‘Then he said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few'.

This week I’m sharing some reflections that I’ve had in the aftermath of my grandad’s passing in January.

Those of you who know me will know that I’m not good with people leaving. When my friends move from Birmingham, I tend to rage a little. Whilst everyone else is being graceful saying, ‘It’s sad but we know it’s the right thing for you’, I regress to a small toddler and have a tantrum. It’s not pretty but once I’ve calmed down a bit, I can usually be appeased by the assurance that they’ll come back and visit. I feel the grief of their absence, but I’m comforted by the fact that we will see each other again.

When my grandad died, it felt a little like this. I feel his absence and I miss him, but it is a comfort to know that he’s where he’s supposed to be and that I will see him again. It is the great hope that we have because of the wonderful work of our Saviour Jesus. Tragically, we read in scripture that this isn’t the case for everyone. Although only God knows people’s hearts and it is never our place to judge, there are people that I love that, were they to die today, I wouldn’t have the same confidence sitting at their funeral that I would see them again.

This really hit me in the aftermath of my grandad’s funeral. I have friends and family who don’t have a relationship with Jesus. Whilst I know that the decision is theirs to make and ultimately it doesn't rely on me but on a move of the Spirit, I don’t want to have regrets about the persistence of my prayer for them or the boldness of my witness.

It's easy to forget the urgency in the busyness of our lives but let’s never lose sight of what’s at stake.

Action - Drop a text to someone in your life who doesn’t know Jesus yet and let them know that you’re praying for them.


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