Worthy Of Suffering

Acts 5:41(ESV) —

‘Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonour for the name.’

This week I’m sharing some reflections that I’ve had in the aftermath of my grandad’s passing in January.

Ever felt like the world was against you? That you’re trying really hard to serve God faithfully but you’re met with resistance at every turn? Ever been ostracised or abused because of your faith? Ever feared for your life because of your allegiance to Jesus?

If so…rejoice because you have been found worthy of being persecuted for the sake of the gospel. You’re so effective in the kingdom that the enemy is working overtime to take you out! The early Christians got really excited whenever they were thrown into prison or persecuted for the sake of the gospel. Why? Because it meant they were being treated just like their Master Jesus. He had warned them about it beforehand. ‘If the world hates you, it’s because it hated me first.’

My grandad faced persecution. During his life, he was lied about, dragged through courts, verbally abused, mocked. It was really hard for him at times but he never stopped preaching the gospel at every opportunity and discipling the people God put into his care. He remained faithful to the last.

I want to be such a force of nature in the kingdom that the enemy tries to take me out. Strange as it may sound, I want to be worthy of persecution. We have people within our community at Gas Street who have faced persecution for their faith. I believe that persecution is coming to the Western church. My prayer is that, when it does, we would be found worthy.

Prayer - Help me Jesus to live a life worthy of suffering. Help me to be patient and faithful when suffering comes.


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Faithful Petitioning