2 Kings 2:3-4

‘Elisha said, ‘Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons.’

There are two lessons that we can draw from what Elisha asked the woman to do: 

Who are the people we can turn to? 

We were not created to be in isolation. Community is safe. Sometimes we have to lay aside our pride and be honest with the people around us about what we need. At Gas Street you are part of a community that wants to journey life with you - and not just on a Sunday morning for a couple of hours. Maybe you needed a ‘sign’ to talk to someone - this is it! It takes courage to reach out; however, we can trust that God often uses people to meet our needs.

Who are the people we can help? 

It was the contribution of the woman’s community that God used for the miracle she so desperately needed. Are we ready to be vessels for God to use to help others and are we open to the ways he wants us to do that?

When the woman asked her neighbours for jars it’s possible that some were apprehensive, wondering what she would use them for, where they were going, and whether they’d get them back! I think there is something powerful in simply saying ‘yes’ when responding to a request to help those in need. At our university, if you lived in halls of residence, you signed up to share everything. For example, if you put something in a fridge or cupboard you surrendered ownership of it. It was messy and inconvenient at times. However, it was comforting to know that you were living with people that wouldn’t let you go hungry or lonely and you’d do the same for them. 

What would our city look like if we walked with such care for others? 

Prayer – Lord help us to have the courage to be transparent with those around us about the struggles we face. Open our eyes to see the ways we can help those in need. 


