2 Kings 2:2

‘Your servant has nothing there at all,’ she said, ‘except a small jar of olive oil.’

What do you have? Does it feel small, insignificant, insufficient? 

When we were younger and more imaginative, everything could become something else. In primary school my whole class would play the game – ‘let’s pretend.’ Each break time the playground would transform into anything that we wanted it to be. The benches were skyscraper buildings, the grass was the deep ocean, skipping ropes were snakes - the list goes on. When we partnered with our imagination the mundane turned into the extraordinary - the nothing into unforgettable memories.

What can be more exciting and extraordinary than when we partner our nothing, our smallness, our limited resources, with the supernatural power of God! May God open our eyes to see what he has placed in our hands and help us to see the potential! Maybe there are gifts we have overlooked, that we believe are unhelpful but which, in God’s hands, can be instruments to more, greater, better things. 

Fear, distractions, false comparisons with others are some of the things that can stop us from seeing God’s potential in us. If that’s a problem for you, maybe take some time to practise gratitude. We all have something - even if it is the breath in our lungs to be grateful for. Thankfulness enables us to acknowledge the past situations and things that God was able to move through. Let’s ask that the fulfilled promises of yesterday, will strengthen us today to have faith for tomorrow.

Reflect on the things that God has done for you. Write them down to remember the things that he has used and how good he has been. 

Prayer – As you pray, ask him to reveal the things you may have overlooked and pause to create space to hear how he may want to use them.


