Who Do You Think You Are - God’s Colleague?

1 Corinthians 3:9 (ISV)
We are God's co-workers 

2 Corinthians 6:1 (CEV) 
We work together with God, and we beg you to make good use of God's gift of undeserved grace.

Weird dream. Your phone rings and you pick up. 'Hi, POTUS here,' a voice says, 'and I want you to run America with me. I'm sending Air Force One to fetch you.' But M..M..Mr. President,' you stammer, 'I'm not up to the job!' And you wake up sweating.

(Irrelevant, but I love that the First Lady is FLOTUS!)

The thing is, you are called to be co-workers with someone infinitely greater than the President Of The United States. Almighty God gives you the status of his colleague.

As a 'retired' person, I miss the days of having professional colleagues, people to share the vision, to complete tasks together, each bringing their special gifts to the team. But as a Christian, part of Jesus' body the church, I have the immense privilege and responsibility of being in the Divine Team of Father, Son, Holy Spirit - and us!  Unbelievably we are asked by God to share in establishing his Kingdom here on earth, the Kingdom where Jesus is Lord over everything.

Everything we do is 'kingdom' work shared with Jesus. If you have a job role/title it should really read '(Your name) with Jesus'! If you're a student, you're studying with Jesus; if you're retired or not employed... retired? not employed? As a Christian? No way! By his Spirit, there's kingdom work for you to do!

God doesn't need us - he wants us. He wants us to know the full satisfaction and sheer joy in sharing his mission of love, justice, peace, grace and new life in the Spirit. And if being God's co-worker sounds too heavy a responsibility, remember Jesus is the Burden-Bearer and the Holy Spirit the Strength-Giver.

2 Timothy 2:12 says that if we stick it out with Jesus, we will 'reign with him’, carrying his authority in this world and enjoying beyond-our-imagination glory in the world to come.

Prayer — Lord, what kingdom-work do you want me to do with you today?


A Saviour


Who Do You Think You Are - Salt?