2 Kings 4:1

‘The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the Lord. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.’

As we at Gas Street Church RESET this week, we will be exploring the story of the widow’s olive oil in 2 Kings 4. The passage begins with a woman who has lost her husband and is close to losing her sons to slavery because of debt that she was left with.

As much of society begins to open up again, it can be difficult to find those moments of solitude, which we once had in abundance, in order to reflect on the impact of the pandemic on our lives. It can be especially painful to face what was lost. For you personally that loss may have been: 

Someone close 

Hope to see dreams fulfilled

Joy or peace

Faith to see a move of God

If we’re honest it has been difficult to accept these experiences. It can be hard to navigate pain where prayers seem unanswered. The woman in the passage cried out in disappointment and disillusion: ‘you know that he revered the Lord’ and still he died - and so often we can feel disappointed and even disillusioned in our spiritual journey. As followers of Jesus the disappointment of unanswered prayer can breed confusion and doubt. It can be hard to trust in a God who never leaves us or forsakes us, when it feels like he has done just that. 

I don’t know what experience you have had to journey but what I do know is that the Lord was and is present to you. He’s been with you during your lowest moment, the darkest thoughts you may have felt too ashamed to share, and, even as you take time to read these words, he is present. 

‘The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.’ (Psalm 34:18) He is not afraid to get close to our pain. 

Prayer As you pray today, take a moment to pause and invite him in so that he can begin to heal all that is worrying you.




Work In Progress