2 Kings 4:2

‘Elisha replied to her, ‘How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?’ ‘Your servant has nothing there at all,’ she said.’

Where do you need to see God move? 

In this RESET week we have a choice. To engage superficially and participate because it is something that the church is encouraging people to do. Or to engage our hearts fully and choose vulnerability. If we want to see a move of God in our lives, it begins by being open about where exactly we need him to move: being real with ourselves and those around us, but most importantly being real with God.

I remember serving in a women’s conference and being given an ‘Access All Areas’ pass. This gave me access to sit with amazing worship leaders, speakers and organisations. What I never really shouted about at the time was that it also gave me access to cleaning the back toilets, to lorries that needed loading and unloading, and to the kitchen to prepare and serve food for guests. 

When we invite Jesus into our lives we give him the AAA pass to our hearts. But how often do we want him to access some areas and not all areas? It can be easy to pray for good things to happen, wanting him to partner in our successes but it can be hard to be honest about the messier places where we need God to move: the ‘areas-that-are-not-palatable’ requests. It can be even harder when we previously made our requests known to God and we haven’t seen a change. 

This is where we need to trust that our needs are: 

Important to God 

Not problems for God

For the woman in the passage she was desperate for a move of God in her household. Maybe you have a pressing need or want to focus on God moving through a situation in our world. 

Prayer Take a moment to write down and pray for these things. Bring your requests to him today.


