Your Worst Days Are Your Best Days

Romans 8:28 (KJV) –

‘And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

It’s a new year and looking back on events got me remembering how so many people felt a sense of panic as the pandemic took hold. While panic is contagious, we, his followers, know Jesus is the one who stills the storms of panic. Matt 5:14 talks about us, his children, being light and hope. Because Christ dwells within us, we have a role in stilling panic around us and bringing hope.

Recently I came across this phrase: ‘My worst days are my best days’ and I got so excited I began to pray into this. People would describe the past year as being one of the worst; unable to see family, illness, financial strains and so on.

As a business owner I went through months of hardship and struggle but out of it has come ‘gold’. The restrictions placed on the business sector, forced us to focus on areas which had not previously been maximised and helped us to see opportunities that we would have otherwise neglected. As a Christian, I would also say the year has provided space and impetus to the Church to address and deal with issues of racial inequality and lack of unity.

Hard times are like a magnifying glass that shows us who we are. Tough times can bring out the best in you and show you what you're made of, your natural resourcefulness, and as a result, make you stronger.

Do you remember when God promised Joshua: ‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9). We are serving the same God as Joshua did. These promises are for us too. It is such a comfort to know he is always at our side guiding us.

Remember, when you have a bad day, it is potentially your best day, God wastes nothing and turns all things around.

Prayer – Lord Jesus, please bring out the gold from my bad days.


Hope Hope Hope


Love and Grace