Love and Grace

Romans 8:31-32 (MSG) –

‘So what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us?’

A few months ago a childhood friend contacted me and, to put it in his words, opened the conversation with ‘I thought it was my time to take the great leap’. He had contracted the Coronavirus and was really ill. 

He proceeded to tell me his experience: he was admitted to hospital where every morning, the Doctor would come around to encourage the patients. ‘Stay strong - you have to endure to come through.’  At that point of the pandemic, knowledge as to how to treat this new virus was limited and so were the treatments available.

My friend wanted to pray but felt too weak. Afterwards, when he had recovered, he recalled being able to say the one word: ‘Jesus.’ He said the Name through it all, over and over again. Even though he was not physically ok, he was ok on the inside with a peace that carried him through.

We can’t prepare ourselves by worrying about the future. You can never predict when and how things will play out, but you can be 100% sure God’s grace and the near presence of Jesus will carry you through.

I hope my friend’s experience of the nearness of Jesus throughout his ordeal, will encourage you to trust him and stay in his presence. Whatever you’re going through he will give you grace through the big things and small things. You have the privilege of grace which is more powerful than anything the world can throw at you. I know we are in an uncertain time about health, finances and so much more but do not fear with God on your side. Grace will abound. All will be well.

Prayer – We lift up your name Jesus. The name above all names. There’s power in your name. Keep it in my head, heart and on my lips. Jesus.


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