A God That Provides For Us

Psalm 84 v 11 (TPT)

For the Lord God is brighter than the brilliance of a sunrise! Wrapping himself around me like a shield, he is so generous with his gifts of grace and glory. Those who walk along his paths with integrity will never lack one thing they need, for he PROVIDES it all.

We will never lack. That is the promise of God over our lives. Our God is a God that provides for us and is generous in all his ways. 

This past year God has really taught me a lot about provision and my biggest lesson is that God is more than likely to provide for us in ways that we will never have expected. I don’t know what you may be believing God for today or in 2022 but I just want to encourage you that our God is a God who provides. 

Whenever I feel discouraged regarding God’s provision, I practise the art of remembrance. I look at God’s track record over my life. I begin to remember all that God has done for me and how far he has brought me. The art of remembrance encourages my faith to rise again and for me to believe again that my God can do anything. Nothing is impossible for him.

I pray that, as we walk with God during this coming year, we will rediscover and develop childlike faith and trust in him. I remember clearly as a child the confidence that I had in my parents’ provision. Dinner in the Nyakunika household was always on the table between 5:30-6:30pm. Pocket money for the week was always given to me on Monday morning without fail. I never had to go to my parents and ask if we were going to have dinner that night or if my pocket money was available. 

In 2022, I pray that we have this childlike faith and confidence in God providing for us. Let us not strive this year to make things happen but instead believe and trust in the One that makes things happen. 

Our God is a God who provides it all and in him we will never lack one thing we need. 

Prayer — Holy Spirit, help us to trust again in the One who provides. We pray for child-like faith and confidence in God's provision.


A God That Hears Us


A God That Is Faithful To Us