
Matt is the Operations Assistant (GS South) & Associate Student Pastor at Gas Street Church.

1 Samuel 7:5 (NIV) —

‘Then Samuel said, 'Assemble all Israel at Mizpah, and I will intercede with the Lord for you.'

This week is Assemble Week at Gas Street Church. It’s a time when we devote ourselves to God in prayer and worship as family, as one. We see throughout the Bible that God brings his people together to pray. This week we get the opportunity to do that.

I recently came back from a family reunion in the Pacific Northwest of America. It was wonderful being up in the mountains and all that fresh air! Probably the biggest highlight for me was Sunday morning when we came together for a family church service. There were no church building, bright lights, or microphones. It was just all of us, circling up in a living room. We had a lovely time of worship - someone brought a word and then we all shared prayer requests and prayed for each other. It was a beautiful moment. There were many tears, the sweet release of being heard and the presence of God was in that place.

When we pray together as a church, we are family. Just like my family’s homemade church service. There is power, love and the presence of God. This week let’s make gathering as a church a priority. Just like Samuel called all of Israel together to intercede before the Lord. I know the Lord God will meet us there - in power and grace.

Prayer - Lord, create space for me this week to gather with my church family and pray. As we seek you, show us your face. Give us ears to hear you and eyes to see what you are doing. In the name of Jesus.


Assemble: Return


Living In Hope