Assemble: Return

1 Samuel 7:3 (NIV) —

‘So Samuel said to all the Israelites, 'If you are returning to the Lord with all your hearts, then rid yourselves of the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths and commit yourselves to the Lord…'

My family and I were travelling back from Cornwall last summer. It was a long car ride and Bella, our bubbly four-year-old daughter, decided abruptly to throw something at the back of my head while I was driving. It didn’t hurt. It was actually quite funny. Equally though, we had to communicate to her just how dangerous it was. We told Bella she needed to apologise but she did not take it easily. Instead she sat in silence, arms crossed. Finally, after twenty intense minutes, she let out a heartfelt whisper, 'I’m sorry, Daddy.' We all breathed a sigh of relief - forgiveness was granted and the relationship was restored!

Bella understood (eventually!) that a sinful action took her out of right relationship with me. In the Bible, Samuel understood that sin took Israel out of relationship with God. Psalm 24 says: 'Who shall ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in His Holy place? He that has clean hands and a pure heart.' Once we enter into relationship with the Lord, there needs to be ongoing confession and purification - and loving restoration always follows.

What do you need to unburden yourself of as you return to the Lord this week? As you seek him, just like Samuel said, first return to him, offering your brokenness and ridding yourself of every idol that keeps you from him. He will meet you there - with love.

Prayer - Lord, search me. Show me where I have fallen short. I ask for your forgiveness and return to you now. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. 


Assemble: Intercede

