Living In Hope

— Marie (Farsi Community)

Jeremiah 29:11

‘I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, to give you a future and a hope.’

خواست‌ و اراده‌ء من‌، سعادتمندی شماست‌ و نه‌ بدبختی‌تان‌، و كسی بجز من‌ از آن‌ آگاه‌ نيست‌. من‌ می‌خواهم‌ به‌ شما اميد و آيندهء‌ خوبی ببخشم

1 Peter 1:3

‘Praise be to the God and Father of our lord Jesus Christ. In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.’

سپاس‌ بر خدا باد، بر خدا كه‌ پدر خداوند ما عيسی مسيح‌ است‌. او به‌ سبب‌ لطف‌ بی‌پايان‌ و عظيم‌ خود، ما را از سر نو مولود ساخت‌ و عضو خانواده‌ء‌‌ خود گرداند. از اينرو، ما اكنون‌ به‌ اميد حيات‌ جاويد زنده‌ايم‌، زيرا مسيح‌ نيز پس‌ از مرگ‌، حيات‌ يافت‌.

Hope - something longed for and waited for expectantly.

Sometimes we look forward to good things happening only to have our hopes dashed. Proverbs 13:12 ‘Hope deferred makes the heart sick’ - how true that is when discouragements, disappointments and trials come our way!

One of my favourite Bible books is Ruth. It’s a story of difficulties and suffering but also a story of hope and faith. It begins with loss and emptiness: Naomi and her family had left Bethlehem because of famine but her husband and sons died, leaving her desolate in a foreign land. She returns home and Ruth, her daughter-in-law, determines to go with her. In Bethlehem they persevere through many difficulties. Ruth gleans in the fields to provide food for them; she didn't give in to self-pity but was active. She waited on God’s timing, even when she could not see the way ahead. God’s purpose was fulfilled for Ruth, far beyond her expectations: he provided her a husband, home and family.

Many years ago, I was deputy head in a busy primary school and active in the local church. Then I developed ME and was unable to do anything for a long time. I held on to God’s promise that ‘all things work for good for those who love God and trust him.’ (Romans 8:28) After two years, I went to the local college to train to teach ESOL and I was asked to teach four hours a week. In my first class I met an Iranian boy. That was the beginning of my joint ministry serving Farsi speakers. 23 years later I am still involved and God has done many amazing things.

Wait on God and hope in him. God’s purpose for your life is much greater than we know or see. Trust him in what he is doing in and through you now.

Prayer- Lord Jesus, thank you for the promise that there is a future and a hope for each one of your children. Help me today to look to you and trust in your promise, whatever is happening around me. Thank you for the wisdom of the Cross that seems foolishness to the world but brings us the gift of eternal life and a living hope.




Declaring Hope