Assemble: Intercede

Isaiah 59:16 (NASB) —

‘And He [the LORD] saw that there was no one,
And was amazed that there was not one to intercede.’

Several years ago I was convicted by the Holy Spirit after I told someone at church I would pray for them. I left the meeting, the week went by and on Sunday when I saw them again, I recalled I had not in fact prayed for them as I had promised! I was so ashamed. Now, whenever someone asks me to pray for them, I either ask if I can pray for them in that moment or write down my commitment to pray for them.

Interceding for our brothers and sisters in Christ is of utmost importance. We see this modelled by Jesus himself in the garden of Gethsemane when he prays for all believers. He says, 'My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.' (John 17:15)

I love the verse from Isaiah above because it reminds me that the Lord is actively looking for intercessors who will come boldly before the throne in prevailing prayer.  God longs for his people to intercede for individuals and families, for those far from him and for those who are near, for his Kingdom to come and his will do be done on earth as it is in heaven!

Will you intercede with me?  

Prayer - Lord, I stand in the gap now as an intercessor for those you have put in my heart. Bless them and protect them! Send your angels to minister to them. Give them wisdom. Fill them with your Spirit. Lead them onward that they may know your love, faithfulness and goodness. In Jesus’ name.


Assemble: Authority


Assemble: Return