Block Out The ‘Eliabs’

1 Samuel 17:28 (NLT)

But when David's oldest brother, Eliab, heard David talking to the men, he was angry. 'What are you doing around here anyway?' he demanded. 'What about those few sheep you're supposed to be taking care of? I know how conceited you are.'

As a middle child, I have the privilege (some might say disadvantage) of being both an older sister and a younger sister. I can therefore sympathize with David in today’s passage. He was only enquiring from the soldiers the reward for defeating Goliath when his older sibling, the person you look up to and hope for affirmation from, completely shut him down.

Talk about a vibe killer! Of everything Eliab said, the biggest knock aimed at David’s ego was 'What about those few sheep you're supposed to be caring for?' Not only was Eliab questioning David’s presence at the camp, he was demeaning his job, belittling his little brother.

Eliab was angry - despite all his strength and stature, he couldn’t defeat Goliath. He had also previously seen David, his kid brother, the least of them all, being anointed by Samuel instead of him. Eliab questions his brother’s motives for being at the camp, when David was merely obeying his father, bringing lunch to his brothers which in case Eliab had forgotten, included him.  

When we are growing in faith or being given positions of ministry or promoted at work, some others can become bitter or jealous. They may verbally or outwardly show their opposition to us. But let’s take a leaf out of David’s book and not listen to the ‘Eliabs’ in our lives. David simply turned away from Eliab and carried on with his mission. Don’t allow people’s negative opinions to penetrate your heart and derail you from your God-given purpose. If their words are counter to what God is saying about you and to you, be like David, turn away. 

Today, let’s also choose not to be Eliab, someone who discourages others, kills dreams by using unkind or unhelpful words and, by doing so, standing in the way of God’s plans for others. A very dangerous stance to take! Let’s rather take every opportunity to build each other up as we are called to (1 Thessalonians 5:11). 

Prayer — Help me O Lord, not to be discouraged when I’m faced with opposition. And please Holy Spirit, make me an encourager of others, stopping my lips before any unkind or unhelpful words leave them.


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