Whose Time Zone Are You On?

Isaiah 60:22 (NLT)

At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen.

Working for a global company, I often find myself unmuting to ask, ‘Is that UK time or CET?’ or ‘my time or your time?’. With the different time-zones on the call, this is important to clarify, with the risk of agreeing to a meeting at 6am, thinking it was an 11am meeting!

In the same way as my colleagues and I are in different time zones, so it is with us and God. As humans, we want things now or at least within our 5-year plan but that may not be God’s timing. Today’s verse talks about ‘the right time’. What we perceive as the right time, i.e. now, might not be. Remember God’s timing is perfect, and he does things at specific times and for a purpose (Ecclesiastes 3:11). 

The Bible tells us God is not restricted to time because for him ‘a day is like a thousand years’ (2 Peter 3:8). We therefore need to trust in his timings, his vastly broader perspective on our lives, and remind ourselves that we are living on God’s time not our own. We mustn't allow the people around us to apply their time-pressure on us and certainly not accept and conform to the worldly time zone that wants everything now. Often we need to slow down and 'be still and know he is God.' (Psalm 46:10)

 God’ is never too early and he is certainly never late. ‘Now’, might not be right for us, it might mean his present working in us is incomplete and rushing ahead now would be detrimental.

God’s plans always happen. If something we are trusting God for is not happening, let’s not be tempted to lose heart and give up praying. Remind yourself that God’s concept of time is different. So wait! If it is in his perfect will, be assured it will happen! 

Prayer O Lord, I thank you for that you have a perfect plan for my life. God help me not to be impatient but to trust your perfect timing. Give me grace to endure the waiting.


Block Out The ‘Eliabs’


Excuses, Excuses