That Friday Feeling

2 Chronicles 16:9 (NLT)

‘The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him…’

Friday, a day we eagerly look forward to. For most of us, it means you’ve made it to the end of the workweek/schoolweek and signals the work-free weekend. So Fridays are generally greeted with smiles and even elation but this is short-lived as by Sunday evening we realise the weekends are far too short and the working week begins again! 

By Friday, most of us are tired and any strength we had feels like it’s been drained out of us. But listen - it is in this precise moment that God wants to strengthen us: he is actively looking to pour into us his divine strength.  We don’t have to use our own; God’s strength is beyond ours, a strength that lasts beyond the workweek; it surpasses that of any bodybuilder or strongest human. Not only that, it enables us do the extraordinary: David acknowledges this when he says ‘for by you I can run against a troop, by my God I can leap over a wall' (2 Samuel 22:30). 

By ourselves we are bound to burn out and fail - but God’s strength is unfailing. As long as we commit to him and wait upon him, though we may be weak, our strength will be renewed.  

We have this supernatural strength available to do the mundane task, to get through that difficult situation, to overcome that sin ‘that easily entangles us’ (Hebrews 12:1) and to live to the full this next week and beyond.  

Prayer — Father I thank you that you are my strength, that I do not have to rely on my own. Help me, Lord to receive your supernatural strength, unceasing and everlasting, to face every challenge and to do every task before me.


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