Change Your Mind

Romans 12:2 (NIV) 

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

I can be extremely confident in what I believe. I would say this is a strength that allows me to be determined and passionate when sharing my views. Those closest to me would argue that they can neatly summarise this part of my personality in one word - stubborn (debatable but anyway...) 

Stubbornness is where you are so set in what you believe to be right that it is difficult to acknowledge someone else’s point of view. Although you are probably thinking of the passionately opinionated people in your life, every one of us can be stubborn when it comes to changing our minds from worldly beliefs, to believing what God says. We can be set on believing what we see to be true and right rather than acknowledging God’s view over situations in our life. Lies and truth war in the mind and it is important we can make clear distinctions between them. 

I’ve been reflecting on how 'conforming' does not necessarily apply to following the world in our actions but rather to thoughts solely consumed by what is seen and temporary. It can also apply where our outlook on life is restricted by our own limitations. We can fall into a pattern of fear, stress and self-preservation when we interact with our peers, watch the news, or withdraw into ourselves, when what God promises us is a sound mind, peace, provision and Life in all its fullness.

But why is it so important to change our minds to believe what God is, says and does? Because what we believe and think determines our decisions; what we decide impacts our experiences; our experiences shape our worldview; our worldview impacts our communities, societies, and world. Chain reaction!

Prayer Lord make me devoted to acknowledging your point of view rather than my own. I ask you to help me be committed to the daily renewal of my mind by the power of your Holy Spirit.


Peace Of Mind

