Peace Of Mind

Isaiah 26:3 (ESV) 

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

Years ago my mum collapsed on a long haul flight when getting up in the middle of the night. When the air hostess woke me to tell me, the first thing I thought to do as a teenager was to use my 20 minutes free internet to text my dad, who was not on the flight, 'Mum’s collapsed.' Within that 20 minutes my mum had received the assistance she needed and was being monitored in her seat. What I failed to consider at the time was whether it was important to let my dad know that instant and also the impact it would have. I went back to sleep. 

I recently asked my dad how he had felt that day. He explained how concerned he had been, his fears, the fact he had no control, and frustration that I was not able to provide him with further detail. The intensity of those hours waiting for us to arrive was unbearable, only for everything to be okay in the end.

It made me reflect how quickly our peace can be robbed - through a text, email, an unexpected bill, cancellation of plans, a diagnosis or many more ways. And how many times, once we’ve come to the end of our fearful thoughts and face the Lord, he makes a way and we realise that our panic was for nothing.

I have been on a journey of questioning the foundations on which peace is built in my life. I have reflected on the things my mind depends on when peace has deserted me, and what that says about the trust I place in them. I constantly have to remind myself that a state of peace is less about my own consistency or problem-solving but far more about a fresh revelation and receiving of the Lord’s 'perfect peace that goes beyond understanding' (Philippians 4:7)


Reflect What are the things or people you have entrusted your peace to? Ask the Lord to help you instead fix your mind on him.


Piece Of Mind


Change Your Mind