Clay Jars

2 Corinthians 4 v6-7 (NIV) —

‘For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of the darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.’

Let go of all the concerns of the day ahead, and for a few minutes hear what God has to say to us. Imagine your concerns to be like packages: some are big and bulky; some are small and precious. Label them, God is telling you to come and lay them down at His feet.

Read the passage slowly and again ask God to stop you at a word or phrase you haven’t been aware of before.

Is God bringing some new understanding?

I often light a fragrant candle during the day to make the room smell nice, but it's only at night that it lights up the room.

Do you feel that God's love is able to light up your heart?

Take time to imagine seeing the glory of God in the face of Jesus.

Is there an area of darkness in our lives we really want to light up with God's love?

Paul tells us that we’ve got this amazing treasure and we store it in a clay jar. These pots are for everyday use: storage, carrying water, cooking. They are often rugged, chipped, cracked. Wealthy people would hide their jewellery in these everyday pots, rather than a gold box, to ensure their treasured possessions would not be stolen. God puts his treasure in the most, you.

We suffer sickness, pain, broken relationships, many of which leave us broken or cracked, certainly not perfect.

What are the struggles that make me feel far less than perfect?

These pots were used every day but the treasure inside made them special. I have heard it said that every hand-crafted pot is unique; just like us - utterly unique to God

Am I able to share this treasure in my everyday life, not pretending to be perfect, but sharing the hope I have in Jesus, despite the difficulties I encounter?

Prayer - Thank you Lord that you can use ordinary people like me to share your love.


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How Big Is Your God?